Tuesday, September 15, 2015

John Roberts

John Roberts is the author of Economics, Organization, and Management and is a current professor Emeritus at Stanford University. He was born in 1945 and completed his studies in the Universities of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Minnesota before ultimately joining Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management as a professor. Through his experiences at Northwestern, he joined the Stanford faculty in 1980 where he worked within the last 35 years as an Economics professor. Currently, he is working at Stanford as a Professor of economics, Strategic Management, and International Business. At the same time, he is also a Senior Fellow at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and primarily focuses on strategic economic decisions.
Dr. Roberts have primarily based his research on the field of economic theory and game theory, specifically focusing upon the concept of applying such theories to strategic management and implementation for different industries. Currently, he have published over 70 scholarly articles, 30 business cases, and two books related to such topics while still undergoing additional research within these fields. As a researcher in management policies, his current research is heavily focused on changing the management practices of large firms and understanding how these procedures can ultimately benefit or cause detriments to the firm. As a professor for MBA executive programs, he pays special attention to the field of management and have taught many students who have progressed within this field. At the same time, his focus on multinational firms have saw him become a special consultant for many large multinational firms who are focused on changing their management procedures.

Dr. Roberts is currently one of the two primary authors who have written our book, Economics, Organization, and Management and have finished the book in 1992 though newer additions have been added within the last few years. Currently, he is still working on additional research and have progressed to focus on the field of international research and global management. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for redoing that post. I hope you can get caught up soon with the posts that have been do since.
